Meet The Family
  • meet the family
    meet the family
    meet the family
    meet the family meet the family

    There I am. Smirking in the middle of it all. The one advantage I have over every other version of me is that I am aware that I am in the room with us all, and that I have always been in such good company. I can see each of me. I am grateful for the characters I see and I am thankful I have the ability to decide who is steering the ship. We all are such complex beings. It’s what keeps us interesting, it’s what keeps us alive. Love ALL of you…even the parts you may not like. It’s what makes us special.

  • golden gal
    golden gal
    golden gal
    golden gal golden gal

    One of the many traditions of Country Music I am proud to take part in and carry on is the good old glam department. As women of country music, we have the ability to be well put together. We have big hair, lashes larger than life, and so many parts of us taped together that it’s really remarkable that we can even breathe, much less sing and entertain. This part of me had to be eased in and developed.

    I never cared much for dressing up in my younger years. Red carpet events were daunting to me. That part of the job was really tough to grow into. But I have, and I adore it. Kind of. ALL of the kudos go to Blakely and Dayna for ushering in and raising my comfort level with such things. While I am keenly aware of how necessary this me is, I make it a point to make light of her and poke fun at the sparkle and spackle.

    In this mode I am poised, I am articulate and unshakeable. I flatten my accent a touch for interviews and I mind my P’s and Q’s whilst seated at events. The main struggle in this mode, other than trying to breathe and walk in heels with very sweaty, very tightly smushed together thighs, is that Joan of Arkansas would LOVE to steer. Her honesty, her brass and her grit are SO present when I’m in glam mode that if you watch closely, you can see me literally swallow to stop Joan’s words from exiting my mouth…at least, historically that’s how it’s gone down. Oh Gal in the Golden Gown, you make it look easy. You keep us proud of our poise. There is room for you here.

  • Girl In Red
    Girl In Red
    Girl In Red
    Girl In Red Girl In Red

    Girl In Red me is nearly in the same band
    wagon as Joan of Arkansas.
    Her job
    is to help the gal in the golden gown
    remember who SHE is.

    That’s who is convincing glam girl to toss
    pancakes at people. She’s here to remind

    me to be good at what I do, but not to take it all
    so seriously that I ever drink my own bath

    water. Performance you is the real you
    with certain parts turned up at certain
    The minute you become your own
    fan… the minute you start believing you’re
    stage you, you’re sunk. Red shirt Ash
    is right there with the anchor to keep both
    on the ground, to keep Joan of
    Arkansas quiet when her tirades aren’t
    palatable for
    certain company and make
    sure Betty never EVER takes the stage.
    Girl in red is
    good at her job. She’s quiet
    and kind. She is thoughtful and full of
    compassion for
    others and for herself. But
    we can’t let her take the ship’s wheel all
    the time either…
    because there is a time to
    raise hell and a time to make a scene.

    Girl in red, you are so valued.
    There is room for you here.

  • Joan-Of-Arkansas
  • Blackout-Betty